In the realm of robotics, the ability to mimic human locomotion has long been a fascinating and challenging pursuit. Legged robots, also known as walking robots, have come a long way since their inception. From early mechanical contraptions to advanced humanoid robots, the history and progress of legged robots have been marked by remarkable achievements and continuous … [Read more...] about Robot Besties Presents: The History of Legged and Walking Robots!
Bipedal Robots
DIGIT News: A Human-Centric Approach to Warehouse Automation
We LOVE the the Digit Robots from Agility Robotics, and love to see what they're up to - we hope you do to. Check it out! … [Read more...] about DIGIT News: A Human-Centric Approach to Warehouse Automation
DIGIT News: LLMs or Reinforcement Learning? Which is better for robot control?
We LOVE the the Digit Robots from Agility Robotics, and love to see what they're up to - we hope you do to. Check it out! Agility CEO and Co-Founder Damion Shelton talks with Pras Velagapudi, VP of Innovation and Chief Architect, about the best methods for robot control. Comparing Reinforcement Learning to what we can … [Read more...] about DIGIT News: LLMs or Reinforcement Learning? Which is better for robot control?
Quadruped to Bipedal Upright Walking… We LOVE the Possibilities!
Some may find this robot video to be a visit to Uncanny Valley, but I just love the idea of a quadruped robot which can transition to upright walking. In an industrial setting this may extend the robot's ability to traverse some unusual (and possibly dangerous to humans) areas with ease or expose sensors or cameras to different angles. I'd be concerned about servo strain on the … [Read more...] about Quadruped to Bipedal Upright Walking… We LOVE the Possibilities!